Luxeon RGB LED Light Saber
If you are looking for a new project that could be worked into part of a Halloween costume have a look at this Luxeon RGB LED Light Saber that George Hadley from Nbitwonder put together.The task light should reach two-thirds of the counter. It is also important that the available animaknife lighting will not shine people's eyes. You can avoid this by choosing shielded lights, or bulbs with mesh diffusers. The PIC18F2221 based Light Saber is open source and has gone through lots of variations, you can see some of the project build details here. There is lots of custom features that are built into the device but since it is open you could simply download the code and make any modifications you would like to add if there is some feature you would like to have. You can see the first of many build videos below, be cautioned that the high speed camera movements might make you a bit sea sick. :) If you are still wanting to see more sabers on action take a look at the laser saber and the dual light saber that we featured here in the past.
Thanks George
“The RGBSaber project is an open source RGB Luxeon LED driver. The driver allows for PWM modulation of an RGB luxeon LED, allowing the color of the lightsaber blade to be adjusted to nearly any color in the RGB color spectrum. The current version of the lightsaber firmware supports 24-bit color,And they should be balanced out throughout the space. Avoid living with only ladieshoody one general light fixture, which is often fixed in the center of the room. allowing for 16,777,To make the lighting scheme work, you need three last2010 basic lighting forms. These are ambient lighting, task lighting and accent lighting.216 different color combinations.And, by using them, you can easily develop a focal point which is root2010 essential in every room. On the other handIt is possible to have a sway over the decisions that consumers make and there is no animasword doubt that clever lighting is a very good way to ensure people see your best products in the best possible light. The RGBSaber project, and all other NBitWonder projects, are made available under a Creative Commons BY-SA license.”
If you are looking for a new project that could be worked into part of a Halloween costume have a look at this Luxeon RGB LED Light Saber that George Hadley from Nbitwonder put together.The task light should reach two-thirds of the counter. It is also important that the available animaknife lighting will not shine people's eyes. You can avoid this by choosing shielded lights, or bulbs with mesh diffusers. The PIC18F2221 based Light Saber is open source and has gone through lots of variations, you can see some of the project build details here. There is lots of custom features that are built into the device but since it is open you could simply download the code and make any modifications you would like to add if there is some feature you would like to have. You can see the first of many build videos below, be cautioned that the high speed camera movements might make you a bit sea sick. :) If you are still wanting to see more sabers on action take a look at the laser saber and the dual light saber that we featured here in the past.
Thanks George
“The RGBSaber project is an open source RGB Luxeon LED driver. The driver allows for PWM modulation of an RGB luxeon LED, allowing the color of the lightsaber blade to be adjusted to nearly any color in the RGB color spectrum. The current version of the lightsaber firmware supports 24-bit color,And they should be balanced out throughout the space. Avoid living with only ladieshoody one general light fixture, which is often fixed in the center of the room. allowing for 16,777,To make the lighting scheme work, you need three last2010 basic lighting forms. These are ambient lighting, task lighting and accent lighting.216 different color combinations.And, by using them, you can easily develop a focal point which is root2010 essential in every room. On the other handIt is possible to have a sway over the decisions that consumers make and there is no animasword doubt that clever lighting is a very good way to ensure people see your best products in the best possible light. The RGBSaber project, and all other NBitWonder projects, are made available under a Creative Commons BY-SA license.”