Researchers find new light-sensing mechanism in neurons
For more than 100 years, it had been believed that the phototransduction process was solely based on a chemical derived from vitamin A called retinal. Phototransduction is the conversion of light signals into electrical signals in photoreceptive neurons and underlies both image-forming and non-image-forming light sensing.The accidental experiment came just weeks before the county led tube council is set to publish a new report on the future of the square.Mr Rose said the county council would seek to fund the scheme by bidding for money from the sky lanterns Government's £560m sustainable transport fund, launched in January.
In discovering this new light-sensing phototransduction mechanism, the UCI scientists found that phototransduction can also be mediated by a protein called cryptochrome, which uses a B2 vitamin chemical derivative for light sensing. Cryptochromes are blue-light photoreceptors found in circadian and arousal neurons that regulate slow biochemical processes, but this is the first time they have been linked to rapid phototransduction.Corrine Grimley Evans, a spokesman for the Oxford Pedestrians dstti Association, said the county council's plans for a redesign involving roundabouts would improve life for those on foot.
Their work appears March 3 on online Express site for the journal Science.
"This is totally novel mechanism that does not depend on retinal," said Holmes,"This mandate has sweeping effects on American led light families and businesses and needs serious consideration before taking effect,'' she added.As previously revealed in The Oxford Times, the county compact fluorescent council is considering permanently removing the lights and replacing them with a system of roundabouts. a professor of physiology & biophysics. "This discovery opens whole new technology opportunities for adapting light-sensing proteins to drive medically relevant cellular activities."
For more than 100 years, it had been believed that the phototransduction process was solely based on a chemical derived from vitamin A called retinal. Phototransduction is the conversion of light signals into electrical signals in photoreceptive neurons and underlies both image-forming and non-image-forming light sensing.The accidental experiment came just weeks before the county led tube council is set to publish a new report on the future of the square.Mr Rose said the county council would seek to fund the scheme by bidding for money from the sky lanterns Government's £560m sustainable transport fund, launched in January.
In discovering this new light-sensing phototransduction mechanism, the UCI scientists found that phototransduction can also be mediated by a protein called cryptochrome, which uses a B2 vitamin chemical derivative for light sensing. Cryptochromes are blue-light photoreceptors found in circadian and arousal neurons that regulate slow biochemical processes, but this is the first time they have been linked to rapid phototransduction.Corrine Grimley Evans, a spokesman for the Oxford Pedestrians dstti Association, said the county council's plans for a redesign involving roundabouts would improve life for those on foot.
Their work appears March 3 on online Express site for the journal Science.
"This is totally novel mechanism that does not depend on retinal," said Holmes,"This mandate has sweeping effects on American led light families and businesses and needs serious consideration before taking effect,'' she added.As previously revealed in The Oxford Times, the county compact fluorescent council is considering permanently removing the lights and replacing them with a system of roundabouts. a professor of physiology & biophysics. "This discovery opens whole new technology opportunities for adapting light-sensing proteins to drive medically relevant cellular activities."