2011年1月9日 星期日

LED Lights to Bomba

Bringing Safe Solar Powered LED Lights to Bomba, Belize

Recently,More than 425 million Led lamp 60W incandescent bulbs are sold each year in the US, representing about 40% of the market for light bulbs. the village of Bomba in Belize took a huge step forward in technology with help from the Austin, TX-based U.S.In choosing to heat our home with firewood, Led strip light another way in which Bart earns his keep, is by helping me bring into our home three loads of firewood every late afternoon. So, with my every armful of fire wood, organization Grid Earth, also known as GEAR. GEAR’s mission is to bring in reusable and sustainable solar LED light technology that will eliminate the use of kerosene in homes and to aid in the economic growth of their village partners.

Previously, the people of Bomba, as well as thousands of underdeveloped areas use kerosene to read and eat by at night. Kerosene is a flammable liquid used in lamps to provide light, and not only is it highly inefficient, the noxious fumes can lead to a variety of ailments. Kerosene lamps cause countless deaths by burns, fires, and suffocations. Indoor air pollution often results in illness and death. In developing nations, acute respiratory infection, influenza and pneumonia caused by kerosene exposure kill over 1 million people annually, over 60% of whom are under age 14.

GEAR brought in 50 solar lights which was enough to light every home in Bomba.LED bulbs are a great way to work towards the elimination of 30 Led bulb light billion tons of annual carbon dioxide emissions, necessary to stop the gradual increase in world temperatures. The lights have small solar panels that can be installed on the roof or sit in the window that will charge a par 45 size LED lamp. The lamp is big enough to light up a 10 foot square room. The lamp charges by day, and gives up to 10 hours of use at night on the low setting. Or it will produce approximately 5 hours of light on a high setting which is suitable for reading. The lamps will last for many years to come and the average lifespan of the solar charged battery is estimated to be about 2 years. The village can sustain these lamps from the resulted savings of up to 75% over the cost of kerosene.

But the story does not stop here. GEAR will be further stimulating the economy of the village by buying the products of the skilled craftsman in Bomba to bring back to the U.S. for sale worldwide.After assuming power, the Trinamool board decided to take up led tube a pilot project by converting the streetlights at Kalighat temple, SN Banerjee Road (near KMC headquarters), New Park Street and Syed Amir Ali Avenue. Sales of their crafts will fund the next trip to a village in Belize to bring light, and the cycle will repeat itself. And, people worldwide will be privileged to own a well crafted and personalized product from the people in Bomba.

GEAR plans to keep in touch with Bomba to ensure that the lights are sustained and to continue the economic relationship.

A winning combination that improves the lives of all involved, promotes safer and healthier living conditions,The new articles are designed to assist fluorescent lights outdoor furniture owners in getting the most out of their outdoor and patio furniture without having to buy new furniture every year or pay a professional cleaning service. creates economic prosperity and provides additional educational opportunities.

