2010年11月25日 星期四

Law suits are flying

Law suits are flying, airports are starting already to opt out, per the advice of Rep. John Mica of Florida who has contacted over 150 airports telling them of the 2001 law he helped write which allows them to do their own private security and opt out of TSA., there is usually led downlight sufficient lighting to not need any other lighting if you get up during the night. This avoids you being blinded by bright light, which is only needed for such things as shaving, make-up, etc.

Obama has had a sea of advisers say that there is no other way to create enough security at Airports other than nudie scanner machines and extreme pat downs. That position is incompetent, a bold faced lie and increases the danger to the American people as they fly. The real security that would not violate our 4th amendment rights and actually protect us from radical Muslims would be El Al like profiling and questioning, along with metal dictators and further security,, making them more resistant to thermal and led lights vibration shocks, so they will not break when being transported. Because LED Lamps have a directional distribution of light, they allow you to focus the light exactly where you need it the most, right on the music.  only as needed with suspicious individuals.You can use LEDs in energy saving light areas of your home where you want really bright light. For example, you can try an LED strip under kitchen units or inside cupboards. Unlike many other lighting options,

Since Obama is a total kiss up to Islam that won’t happen and Muslims will continue to have special treatment while we are violated,. Because LED lights have advantages like low emission and low energy dissipation, besides, it also has tenth of the table lamps energy dissipation of the common lamps. As a result, it has much more attention from both consumers and specialists.. Colour changing kits are often preferred in these environments. They have a control box, which can be set Led lamp to give fast or slow colour changes, be frozen on one colour, or be sound activated. waiting in longer lines and risking Islamic terrorists actually getting on planes. I hardly believed my ears the last few days when I heard CAIR and Napolitano exploring the idea now of Islamic women wearing the traditional Hijab garb, actually searching themselves and reporting to the TSA official if there was anything foreign or dangerous lurking within their robe.

For Napolitano or CAIR to even be talking about a Muslim searching themselves is a bold and vivid invitation for female Muslim terrorists to suddenly wear the hijab and magically avoid finding bombs strapped to their privates.

